Legacy, for me, isn’t simply about monetary wealth; it’s about a different type of wealth. Legacy is the wealth of intangibles that I leave behind. Legacy is the mark I make on the world during my brief moment here, and the type of ripples my existence makes. What lives were changed for the better because I existed? What was I able to give away or teach others? Did they see a better way of dealing with conflict? Did they learn how to have compassion on others? Did they learn how to live less selfishly? You cannot truly gift or teach what you do not have or practice. If I was able to give someone else strength, courage, compassion, inspiration, hope, faith, belief, kindness, and pure love…then that, to me, is “legacy”. What the next generation will remember about me are all of these things, more than anything, and I will always be ready to give them the reason for the hope that I have-Jesus. He lifts my head in times of trouble, and He is the eternal spring from which I am watered. My strength has never come from me, but from the Lord Jesus who lives within me. My head is lifted once again, I have stepped at least one foot forward daily, and here I go again. I am proud to be the daughter of an incredibly strong King.