Here we go! On our way to the “happiest place on earth”, Florida. Having the time and finances to take my kids to Disney has been my business goal for over TEN YEARS. When I made that goal, I was sitting in my first photographer training, and the presenter was talking about making $100,000 in a year. As a photographer?? My mind was blown and I was instantly interested in making it happen for me. I wondered how in the world it could be possible when I was only making a few extra dollars a month to supplement my income, and working long hours just for those. I walked into that course thinking that if I left my career as a teacher and chose to be a photographer instead, it would definitely mean a pay cut, but I wasn’t sure how much. I was prepared to endure that because photography was something I loved doing, and I always knew I wanted to own a business. I never could have imagined where my passion would take me, or what potential it truly had. I certainly didn’t know what it would take to reach my goals. If I could see into the future at that moment-the trials and growth I would have to endure, in addition to the TIME, PATIENCE, HEARTACHE, SACRIFICES, CHANGES, and BELIEF it would take-I would have said, “that sounds nice, but no thanks!” and turned right back around.
Time waits for no one. While I have been building this business, these beautiful kids have kept growing. I was hoping to bring them here when they were smaller, but I just couldn’t afford it yet. That grieved my heart, but you know what? It’s not worth mulling over when the future is bright! I am so grateful that God has been there every step of the way and has proved His faithfulness and love for me a million times over! What an incredible love!! If you could know the amount of times I’ve cried, wondering where the next payment would come from, scared for myself and the food I’d be able to provide for these two precious children, you would probably wonder why I would put myself through that pain and not just get a job. Well, I couldn’t. There WAS NO PLAN B!
I wanted to take a picture at this Florida airport, because the last time I was here was in 2016, and I slept on the floor when I arrived because I couldn’t afford a hotel. I had come to visit a mentor couple who own a hugely successful portrait business, that I had taken a class with at a conference in Dallas. They were not only where I wanted to be financially, but were also a goal I wanted with my family and personal life. They were kind and loving people, with servant hearts, who treated people with dignity and respect. I knew I wanted that for my own business. The conference week was over, but at our last dismissal, I went up to Lesa and told her, “I’m not done.” I wasn’t done learning. I was hungry and needed more coaching. They inspired me so much that I just knew I had to be around them more. Lesa said I didn’t have to go to Florida; we could conference over zoom, but I knew it wasn’t going to be enough for me. I knew I had to go in person because I had faith I was going to see something that was going to affect me, but I didn’t know what it would be. I had faith I would be changed by going there. So I maxed out my credit card to pay for the flight, car rental, and a day of training. I spent the night in the airport and used my YMCA membership to take a shower the next morning at a gym nearby. Greg and Lesa didn’t know my financial situation. They didn’t know I had $200 left in my business account and all my credit cards were maxed. But Gregory, Lesa, and their assistant, Pat (I may need to correct her name later-it was several years ago!) poured love and belief into me like I was a millionaire. That day of training was what I needed, and I remember the moment when belief first entered my heart. Pat got through to me about my worth, and told me “you deserve it” while talking about getting paid for the hard work I put in to creat every portrait. Evidently, that is what God sent me there to hear. The words she said and the new belief that locked itself into my brain, replacing an old belief that I wasn’t worth what people would pay, was the diamond I was buying with every penny and hurt I spent going there. Lesa offered room for me to spend the night in their home, not realizing it saved me from sleeping in the airport twice.
That trip changed my life so much!! I can’t put a price tag on my experience there, or the growth I’ve had since. Many miracles occurred in the last 15 years since I started this business, and if I were able to think clearly enough and wasn’t always in trauma mode, I probably should have written a book solely containing the miracles. My act of faith that this career I loved was the answer that was going to lead me towards the financial blessings I always wanted, was not a mistake. It was belief, manifesting itself into a goal that I’ve had since I was a young girl, starving for more out of life and more for my children. Most of all, I am able to show my kids what a life dedicated to searching and believing in Christ’s unique purpose for me, has done for me. What rewards I have been given for holding on to Jesus with every fiber of my being. It was difficult, but worth it, to believe He loved me even while knowing how awful a sinner I was and am. I focused on forgiving myself and doing my best to bless others with my gift. What rewards I get for the hard work I did, and for believing in God’s faithfulness and grace!. I find the spiritual rewards to be far greater, and that is the lesson I want to pass on to my kids.
While we are having fun, while I pay for the trip 100% myself, I will continually give God thanks and praise. I am so very proud of the fact that I can afford this myself, as a co-parenting mom, and my heart is bursting right now, knowing we are about to embark on 5 days of fun together. God and I are not done with me yet, but I am celebrating coming this far.
God blessed me with dreams, strength, and the belief I needed to attain them. I have spoken to Him every Monday morning for the last 3-4 years of my life, and we have 3-4 hours at minimum, per week together. Without that prayer time, I would not be here. Glory be to God for the transforming work He has done in me! Im not sure what caused so many people to dismiss me, but I think that led me to be able to “see” those who are like me. I see those who are the underdogs, those that others dismiss, and those who feel like they are completely alone. I had very few close humans supporting me along the way, but I am thankful for my church body, who was always encouraging me when they saw me, and the living saints that reminded me that God loved me and cared for me, and they did too. They did not judge or abandon me-they held me up when I fell, and the body helped me spiritually and financially. They checked in on me and that made me feel “seen”... I’m looking at you, Michael Montalvo. And to the one human besides my children who is in my tiny circle now, who stepped in as the friend I needed when it seemed everyone BUT the church and Jesus was my enemy-everyone including even myself (I am my own worst enemy), and pulled me out of the pit of despair, walked beside me in my troubles, I thank you. To the father of my children, and my in-laws, who gave them a steady base while I was away all those nights and weekends, thank you. Each one of my clients who have invested in portraits of themselves, their families, and loved ones, are a part of my success, and I am grateful and thankful for every single one. I am confident that not one person comes through my door that God didn’t purposely send, so I could serve them and make them happy. And of course, my dad, who taught me to go and make something of myself, then turn around and help others like me.
When I get back to Houston, I’ll be hosting my first portrait exhibit in my studio (March 25, 26, 28-link to register and attend is in the comments), which is yet another dream fulfilled. I and my support have been working hard to make this exhibit something wonderful, and I hope you come to see. It may transform your life, and I know it will help the participants in their lives as well. You may be surprised with the blessing you’ll receive in your heart for coming.
I hope this inspires anyone reading this that staying faithful to God’s purpose in your life and to believe in grace. It truly pays off! Go after Jesus and don’t give up! My purpose is still in process, and growth and healing has been very slow for me, but I’m not stopping. God’s purpose for me is actually way bigger than this, and that scares me, but I’m going to continue to give my life over for His cause. I’ll keep fighting to become what He wants me to be while I still have breath in my lungs.
My “why” is with me today, and we’re going to have FUN for the next five days! If there’s anything I want others to be inspired to do, it’s to know Jesus so well while you’re here on earth, that by the time you get to heaven, you’ll be just like old friends. That was my goal from the start. He took this hungry little girl who came from a background of poverty, a girl who used to tuck dresses into her pants so she could have pretty blouses, and caused her to have huge dreams and breathed life and hope into her. I hope that means one day that other little hungry boys and girls will be given dreams and be loved and fed. I hope people who know my story will see my face in them, and are inspired to support, help, and give to them because each one holds God-given potential to inspire the world around them.
If God made this out of me, which I happen to think is pretty awesome, just imagine what He could do through you! Persistence is the key; slow or fast doesn’t really matter. You can do anything you set your mind to! ❤️